
品牌: 锦丰源
型号: 定制
规格: 定制
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
所在地: 河南省 驻马店市
有效期至: 2040-12-22
最后更新: 2012-10-09 09:31
浏览次数: 72
双面带胶泡棉供应,深圳锦丰源主要是与模切加工的方式来做到双面带胶泡棉的,我们以这种方式为客户制定不同规格尺寸的泡,双面带胶及单面带胶是泡棉的两种性能,我们也是按照客户需求,专业为客户打造的,客户不仅材质可以选择,厚度也是很齐全的,我们本着客户是上帝的原则,竭诚满足客户一切需求,欢迎有需要的朋友前来咨询选购~我们可免费为您提供样品试用评估,让你买的放心用得舒心! Double-sided adhesive foam supply, shenzhen jin fengyuan mainly and die cutting processing way to do double-sided adhesive foam, we in this way for different specifications for the customer the size of the bubble, double-sided adhesive and single adhesive is foam two kind of performance, we are also according to the customer demand, professional customers make, customers can choose not only material, thickness also is very complete, we in line with the principle of customer is god, we meet customer needs all, welcome friends in need to come to consult the choose and buy ~ we can be free to provide the sample trial evaluation, let you buy the rest assured use comfortably.
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【深圳锦丰源】精密模切加工手机辅料硅胶保护膜供应 深圳模切厂加工供应平板电脑边框缓冲泡棉 供应韩国进口OCA光学胶模切加工 手机辅料三层防刮花保护膜模切加工供应 模切加工3.5寸触摸屏OCA光学胶供应 数码电子产品双面带胶边框防震泡棉模切加工供应 模切加工制程保护膜供应 深圳模切厂供应石墨散热片
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