
品牌: MURPHY摩菲
型号: MURPHY摩菲
规格: MURPHY摩菲
单价: 1.00元/件
起订: 1 件
供货总量: 1111 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 福建省 泉州市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2013-07-15 10:27
浏览次数: 175

美国Murphy摩菲仪器仪表公司于1939年成立,总部位于美国OKLAHOMA州,70多年来公司一直专注于研究及生产用于工业控制的各种仪器仪表,是全球知名的发动机监控设备制造商,成功地帮助各个工业领域提高产量、效益和竞争力。产品主要用于石油天然气,工程机械,发电机组,船舶等行业。其业务遍及北美,南美,欧洲及亚洲地区。FW Murphy, a wholly US owned fast-growing global control instruments company, Based in the United States, it has been an equipment management, monitor and control solutions provider for over 60 years, and has business establishments in North/South America, Europe, and Asia. It is known around the world as a leading innovator in engine and engine-driven equipment controls and monitoring system. Typical applications for our products include oil and gas production and transmission, off-highway and construction equipment, irrigation and agriculture, power generation, and marine.


优势供应各大工业单位及工业供应商。碰到一些进口的产品可以找我帮您报报价,您对比一下。(TEL:0595 28767880/15260878779 葛经理)我们做进口国际贸易的。很多进品的产品可以跳过国内代理直接国外拿货,有一定的性价比优势。同时,我司还优势代理一些工业品牌及产品,欢迎来电咨询。
电话:  0595 28767880      联系人:小葛
移动电话: 15260878779   Q Q 1400579634  

兰摩菲设计他的第一个产品的机械式压力表可调安全开关。从此,摩菲swichgage®享有世界声誉。它们是持久和可靠的。他们的准确性和可靠 以及长寿命赢得了我们全世界客户的信赖。 In 1939, Frank W 'Pat' Murphy's designed his first product - a mechanical pressure gauge with adjustable safety switch. Since then, the Murphy Swichgage® has built a worldwide reputation. They're durable and dependable. They're highly accurate and long-lasting.We didn't make them so popular - our customers did. We just make them solid and reliable every time。

MURPHY DP系列压差表,包括:20DP、25DP、A20DP、A25DP等型号,51mm和64mm两种表盘,有15、30、50、75、100PSI等量程。Pressure & Vacuum 20DP, 25DP, A20DP, A25DP Differential Pressure Swichgage? for Filter Restriction
Murphy 20P/25P直感式温度表。Pressure & Vacuum 20P & 25P series Pressure Swichgage
美国MURPHY A20P/A25P直感式压力表。Pressure & Vacuum A20P & A25P Series Pressure Swichgage®,The A20 Series (2 inch/51 mm dial) and the A25 Series (2-1/2 inch/64 mm dial) Swichgage
美国MURPHY(摩菲)20PE/25PE 直感式压力表。
Pressure & Vacuum 20V, 25V, A20V, A25V Vacuum Swichgage®
美国MURPHY(摩菲) 20 Series (2 inch/51 mm dial) and the 25 Series (2-1/2 inch/64 mm dial) Swichgage®
美国MURPHY(摩菲) 2- and 2.5-inch (51 and 64mm) dial filter restriction Swichgage® instruments. Metal or polycarbonate case.
Pressure & Vacuum 20BPG & 20BVG B-Series Murphygage®压力表
美国MURPHY(摩菲) 20BPG & 20BVG B-Series Murphygage膜片式压力表。 表盘直径2 in. (51 mm) 压力范围:Pressure (20BPG) models up to 400 psi (2.76 MPa) [27.6 bar]
Pressure & Vacuum OPL series 4.5" Pressure Gauge and Swichgage®压力表
美国MURPHY(摩菲) OPL series 4.5",114毫米 表盘压力表,适用于危险区域

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