
帕罗肯科技有限公司(PARAGON CO.,LTD)是一家专业从事工业现场信号干扰、转换等产品的研发、生产、销售的高科技企业。帕罗肯科技作为一家专业生产信号隔离器、隔离配电器、隔离分配器的制造商,一直致力于各种工业级高品质信号隔离调理变送器等系列产品的研发。凭借其一流的研发能力和生产技术、优异的产品质量和强大的技术支持能力,经过多年不断的努力,我们在信号隔离器小型化、温漂、精度及可靠性方面拥有多项专有技术,我们的产品在工业自动化控制领域中获得了很高的声誉,成为越来越多公司信赖的合作伙伴。产品被广泛应用各个领域,涉及汽车制造、电力、石油化工、航空航天、机床制造、纺织、冶金、制药、交通、水泥、造船、采矿、塑料和橡胶、食品加工、造纸等众多行业。同时我们还可以为客户提供全面可靠的信号隔离器、信号调理器、信号变送器等整体解决方案。


PARAGON Technology CO.,LTD is a high-tech enterprise which engages in developing、producting and saling of singal meaconing and transformation on the spot.We are Specialy working on signal isolator、isolator distribution、isolator dispenser,and devoting unceasingly to research and develop on the each kind of technical grade、High quality Signal recuperation transmitting instrument.Relying on first-class research and development ability and production technology 、outstanding product quality and formidable technical support ability,After many year unceasing endeavors,??About the signal isolator's aspect of  miniaturization, float warm, the precision and the reliable  have many specialized techniques,Our product has obtained the very high prestige in the industrial automation control domation,becomes partner which more and more companies trust.Is widely applied each domain, involves the automobile manufacture, the electric power, the petroleum chemical industry, the aerospace, the machine tool construction, the spinning and weaving, to govern the gold, the drugs manufacture, the transportation, the cement, the shipbuilding, mining, the plastic and the rubber, the food processing, the papermaking and so on numerous professions. Simultaneously we may also provide comprehensive reliable whole solution archives and so on signal disconnector, signal recuperation, signal transmitting instrument for the customer.


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  • 联系人南京帕罗肯科技(先生) 主管经理    
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  • 所在地辽宁省 鞍山市
  • 地址南京市江宁区科技园营宁路2号厂房3楼
  • 邮编211100
  • 主营行业智能仪表,传感器,变送器,流量计,控制仪,显示控制仪表,物位仪,阀门,液位仪,振动器,连接器,测重仪,检测仪,转换器,探测器,调节器,分析仪器,教学仪器,试验机,放大器,分析测试仪表,测温仪,其他,变压器,医疗仪器,隔离器,继电器,泵类,编码器
  • 公司类型企业单位
  • 注册年份1992
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